XRB80N100 Monoblock® СЕРИЯ
- Интегрированный высоковольтный источник, источник питания накала, рентгеновская трубка, окно выхода пучка и управляющая электроника
- Компактность и малый вес
- Универсальный вход, коррекция коэффициента мощности с внутренним фильтром электромагнитных помех
- Возможность установки с любой ориентацией в пространстве
- Аналоговый интерфейс управления и стандартный цифровой интерфейс RS-232
* Примечание: Все спецификации могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с английской версией PDF этой спецификации для получения последней актуальной информации об оборудовании.
80kV, 100W Рентгеновские генераторы
Источник рентгеновского излучения XRB80N100 Monoblock® компании Spellman предназначен для использования в системах OEM-производителями и обеспечивает питание внутренней рентгеновской трубки напряжением до 80 кВ при мощности 100 Вт. Универсальный вход питания, компактность и стандартный аналоговый и цифровой RS-232 интерфейсы упрощают интеграцию этого источника Monoblock® в Вашу рентгеновскую систему. Источник XRB80N100 поставляется с веерной (стандарт) или конусной (опция) геометрией пучка. Запатентованная схема контроля эмиссии обеспечивает превосходную регулировку тока рентгеновской трубки, а также выдающуюся стабильность и производительность.
Типовые применения:
- Рентгеновская дефектоскопия: измерение толщины, контроль качества пищевых продуктов, контроль уровня заполнения, контроль почтовых отправлений, остеоденситометрия.
Технические характеристики
(Ref. 128065-001 REV. Y)
X-Ray Characteristics:
Focal Spot: 0.5mm (IEC 336)
Beam Filter:
Ultem: 3.30mm ±0.15mm
Oil: 8mm ±0.1mm
Glass: 1.8mm ±0.25mm
BE: 0.8mm
Beam Geometry:
Fan: Standard. The beam angular coverage will be 75° with the beam plane perpendicular to the X-Ray tube axis and 13° wide.
Cone: Optional. 25° cone beam
Input Voltage:
Power factor corrected input 0.98, 100-240Vac ±10% 50/60Hz, 2A, maximum
X-Ray Tube Voltage:
Nominal X-Ray tube voltage is adjustable up to 80kV
X-Ray Tube Current:
150uA to 1.25mA over specified tube voltage range
X-Ray Tube Power:
100W, maximum continuous
Voltage Regulation:
Line: ±0.05% of maximum output voltage over a ±10% change of nominal input line voltage
Load: ±0.1% of maximum rated voltage for 150uA to 1.25mA load change
Voltage Accuracy:
Voltage measured across the X-Ray tube is within ±2% of the programmed value
Voltage Risetime:
Standard: Ramp time shall be 500ms from 10% to 90% of maximum rated output voltage
Optional: 5 seconds. Specify at time of order
Voltage Overshoot:
5% of maximum voltage, to return within 2.5% of maximum voltage in less than 100ms
Voltage Ripple:
1% peak to peak of maximum voltage for frequencies ≤ 1kHz
Emission Current Parameters
Current Regulation:
Line: ±0.05% of rated output current over a ±10% change of nominal input line voltage
Load: ±0.1% of rated output current for a change from 50% to 100% of rated output voltage
Current Accuracy:
Current measured through the X-Ray tube is within ±2% of the programmed value
Current Risetime:
Standard: Ramp time shall be 500ms from 10% to 90% of maximum rated current
Optional: 5 seconds. Specify at time of order
Arc Intervention:
3 arcs in 10 seconds with a 200ms quench = Shutdown
Filament Configuration:
Internal high frequency AC filament drive with closed loop filament emission control
Analog Interface:
Ground referenced 0 to 9Vdc for all programming and monitoring signals. Relay contacts and open collector signals for other signals. See analog interface connector pin out table.
Digital Interface:
Jumpers are needed to be configured and the digital interface cable installed to enable the RS-232 interface.
Control Software:
A demo GUI is available for engineering evaluations
A hardware interlock functions in both analog and digital programming modes. The hardware X-Ray Enable signal only functions in analog programming mode.
Operating Temperature:
0°C to +40°C
Storage Temperature:
-40°C to +70°C
10% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Customer provided 150cfm external cooling fan as required to maintain oil temperature below 55°C. (External cooling is not required if fan option is selected)
Input Line Connector:
3 pin, Phoenix Contact 1829167, SHV part number 105725-219. Mating connector Phoenix Contact #1805990, SHV part number 105808-475 provided with unit.
Analog Interface Connector:
15 pin D connector, male
Digital Interface Connector:
9 pin D connector, female
Grounding Point:
8-32 ground stud provided on chassis
9.6.L X 7.6.W X 7.0.H (243.8mm x 193.0mm x 177.8mm)
32lbs (14.5kg)
Can be mounted in any orientation.
X-Ray Leakage:
Not to be greater than 0.5mR/hr at 5cm outside the external surface.
Regulatory Approvals:
Compliant to EEC EMC Directive. Compliant to EEC Low Voltage Directive. UL/CUL recognized file E235530.
RT - 5 second Risetime for both voltage and current
CB - Cone Beam
FN - Integrated Cooling Fan
M - Elapsed Time Meter (measures X-Ray ON elapsed time)
Pin | Signal |
1 | Earth Ground |
2 | Line |
3 | Neutral |
Mating connector provided with unit
Pin | Signal | Parameters |
1 | N/C | No Connection |
2 | TD | Transmit Data |
3 | RD | Receive Data |
4 | N/C | No Connection |
5 | SGND | Signal Ground |
6 | NC | No Connection |
7 | NC | No Connection |
8 | NC | No Connection |
9 | NC | No Connection |
Pin | Signal | Parameters |
1 | Power Supply Fault Output | Open collector, 35V @ 10mA max. high = no fault |
2 | mA Program Input | 0 to 9.00Vdc = 0 to 100% rated output, Zin =10MΩ |
3 | kV Program Input | 0 to 9.00Vdc = 0 to 100% rated output, Zin =10MΩ |
4 | X-Ray On Lamp Relay Output | Common, dry contacts, 30Vdc @ 1A, max |
5 | X-Ray On Lamp Relay Output | Normally open, X-Ray ON = closed |
6 | mA Monitor Output | 0 to 9Vdc = 0 to 100% rated output, Zout =10kΩ |
7 | X-Ray On Lamp Relay Output | Normally closed, X-Ray ON = open |
8 | kV Monitor Output | 0 to 9.00Vdc = 0 to 100% rated output, Zout =10kΩ |
9 | Signal Ground | Ground |
10 | Signal Ground | Ground |
11 | HV Interlock Return Input | Connect to Pin 12 to close HV interlock |
12 | HV Interlock Output | +15Vdc @ open, 5mA when connected to pin 11 |
13 | X-Ray Enable Output | +15Vdc @ open, 5mA when connected to pin 15 |
14 | X-Ray Status Output | Open collector, 35V @ 10mA max high = X-Ray OFF |
15 | X-Ray Enable Return Input | Connect to pin 13 to enable X-Ray generation |
Indicator | Signal Name | Condition Illuminated When... |
LED 1 | OV | High kV occurs |
LED 2 | UV | Low kV occurs |
LED 3 | UC | Low mA occurs |
LED 4 | OC | High mA occurs |
LED 5 | ARC FLT | Arc fault occurs |
LED 6 | OT | Over temperature occurs |
LED 7 | X-RAY ON | X-Rays are enabled |
LED 8 | PWR | Power is ON |
How to Order: |
Standard: Prt No.: XRB80N100 |
Risetime, Cone Beam, Fan and Elapsed Time Meter Options |
Таблицы и диаграммы
Standard Unit
Cooling Fan Options
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Is Oil Insulation Used?
Do I Need to Ensure My Monoblock® Stays Cool? Why?
How Often Do I Need to Season My Monoblock® X-Ray Source? Why?
Application Notes AN-12 – The Benefit of Using a Current Source to Power X-Ray Tube Filament Circuits